Saturday, 21 November 2015

82 Not Out! is looking at the time on this p.c. and she can't believe it's 4.05 p.m.  Where d id the  effing day go today? seems that that when you are (dare I say older and not out) days shrink somehow. Still so much to blog about too!
Let me recap. a bit.
Oh yes-
The Good Stuff is I think I am up to date with  APPOINTMENTS.'
It feels pretty good to report that this one -toothed, one eared, one eyed legitimate Mazda driver and fantastic,writer and amazing blogger  is on top of things after  the fabulous toenail experience I related.
Now for some 
AWESOME NEWS that may be new to some Not Outers  who want to continue driving their little Mazdas around.
Yes,after 75 you have to have a doctors check and carry the little slip saying your whizz bang OK to drive with your licence.NOW your Doc has to Ok more than just your eyes!! AND you don't have to sit for hours waiting for your number to come up at the Transport Dept. -(if you can findit) each year to ensure your are Legit. NO you can take your licence out for five or even more years and when your T.D. reminder comes each year (Somehow they always know your birthday!) you only have to get the formfilled in by doc and tear off the bottom bitto stickwith licence in your wallet.   Sound simple? It is but nooneells you these things....why???because ITS ALL ON THE NET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tough if you suffer TECKERNOCICAL STRESS or your one eye is playing up.

Now little anecdote about how I learned all this without the net -
I have never had a infringement ticket in 82 -17 years of driving...BUT after driving through a local beach  I stopped (in a bad position) to write down  phone number of a rental property.I had a cop up my bum!!!!!! Duly apologized profusely as he took my licence and my docs little was a month out of date!!!! You see when I got it filled in I asked her to mail it to T.D. thinking I'd be sent the slip back from them...BUT NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's not how its visiting T.D. for ticks...just get doc to keep her part of the form and we not outers keep our little slip. 
I made the mistake of telling the young p.c.  (no the two young cops -he must have needed back up to deal with me!) that I was a writer and had enjoyed driving the lonely esplanade relaxing...BIG MISTAKE!!!
"Oh did you do drift off a bit then?,he asked
Guess I over reacted ...told him to ph my doc...(she wasn't at centre that day!!!) instead  I got a well deserved lecture!!! Yes I deserved it...I was badly parked and after hearing about an old lady who lost her arm through  being badly parked causing a crash...etc etc etc etc and how he was so traumatized by it etc etc etc...I demanded that he arrest me!!!  It was one of those 31 degree days and after more etc etc etc(grandkids call it Blah blah blah) I promised him I would get another form duly filled in by doc and have that a new little slip should he ever see 
me again.....I've been looking for show him it but our roads haven't crossed. 
Just a little bit of WTF is this STUFF? 
I've been thinking about nuclear waste and all the Blah Blah Blah (yes I like that all the Blah BlahBlah about it.) So easy to go along with  the Not in Our Backyarders but really thinking about the responsibility attached to much created in the name of progress (Yes all the medical and healthcare  we take for granted) made me think deeply for some days now.
We in civilization today  really accept responsibility for so litle. Beaches now of plastic not grains of sand etc etc Polluted rivers and oceans...many attempts at recycling even in our own backyards ignored.
What if all the Mums and Dads using what are called disposable nappies had to wash and  dry towelling  nappies even for just  a year as we did in the 50's? Wouldn't they think again about best way to dispose of the they have been given??
A wise man once told me that everything we own or have is a responsibility.
With science and technology humanity has been given such great gifts...but each gift comes with a responsibility.

Oh that's quite enuff blah blah ing...Catchalater  blessings Hzl.  Once again No No No  I do not edit this blog ever!!!!!! Again No I don't do FB I am not Linking In with any one and Tweeting would drive me mad!!!!
Oh I'll get back to the eye stuff next time too!!!!


  1. haha nana! those poor young police men! xxx rose

  2. haha nana! those poor young police men! xxx rose
