Tuesday, 19 July 2016

82 Not Out!   dont miss this!!!Blog July 20

Yes, I know. I have been slack-but you dear readers will be pleased to know that 82 Not Out! is back on deck –and is actually another year older. Retaining the blog name because  I like the sound of it. 83 Not Out would sound a little desperate I think –not quite  ‘cricket’.
So here we go again. 
Can’t tell you how many notes and jottings I have made since last blog published. Desk and lazyboy strewn with them. Some are now past sale by date but here goes...
Best news -Elections OVER!!!!!
All I can say is it was the best reality show circus on tv ever. MY firm personal deep understanding of KARMA remains intact.- a brand new unpredictable senate has come back to bite the wag of the dog that dumped it!
Best viewing throughout the election period was watching the body language as smiles and out turned  palms turned to clenched teeth and heavy fists. Now we are back into watching condescending supercilious teacher politician mode on  screen.
Oh I must add that I am a British and N.Z. citizen so didn’t vote...so yes... I am in no position  to judge democracy in action.

TheTweets on Q and A make great viewing! Some showing wit and intelligence that beats the panel speaking, shouting, over each other.
But really-   an Inquiry into Islam?  Why not into Christianity? Hinduism? Yoruba? That is just craziness and ignorance and lack of personal inquiry and study. Read, read, read and take time to study and absorb comparative religion and history. The family tree history and branches of all religions is amazing...lots of extremists  and  wars throughout there believe me.
OK. No more today on politics or religion. It is a combination that can be stressful to bring into any discussion as people (like myself) get emotionally charged up. Example-  you should have heard me after watching fine piece of reporting by Jane Bardon  called  ‘A Big Mob in the  Houseon indigenous housing in Arnham Land –what an idictment on society  that scenario is.

Back to Stress...pets in the USA cities  are on anti-depressants...does that surprise you?  Think about  it ...We humans are so concerned about stress on pets, stress on whales, stress on crocodiles on  bears on tigers  as we plough through their environment  and  now down under one of our cities is going to install large metal ferns for trees!! So so artistic! Leave us our green please. We humans are animals too!
Thanks for reading through so far. I’m not always outspoken...I lead a laid back unsocial lifestyle writing stories  or poetry. Next blog I’ll tellyou about the Poets  on Beaches amazing workshop I tutored at the visually stunning Kewarra Beach Resort.Having won the last two short  short monthly comps for the CTWF. Go to  the Cairns Tropical Writers Festival web page. And get ready for the August festival...Oh back to the short short  stories hope you will enjoy this one. On the theme Emma and the Bagman.
 It’s called Poster Man.
Poster Man.    Tiny shorts story. 447 words.    HazelMenehira

Lean in black leather Garcia rested a studded boot on a crumbling wall beside the remote market square. A nonchalant smile quivered over the lined sensuous face beneath the black sombrero brim.
 His keen vision targeted a spindly unkempt young girl trailing behind a corpulent nun. They were threading their way through market stalls toward the mission church beyond the fountain.
Garcia watched as Sister Roza ignored the seven-year-old charge who tugged at her gown imploring that they rest on the fountain steps.
“Emmamaria we late. You rest outside mission child.”
The girl frowned and dragged her feet. She was hot, thirsty and miserable. It had been a long dusty walk from the orphanage.
Then quite unexpectedly her face and attitude changed. She had glimpsed the marionette master entertaining with his colourful dancing puppets.
“Here. Here. Please... please Sister Roza. Look how they dance. Here. I rest here. Won’t  move. Here, I stay here.”
Emmamaria glared with defiance- but in habitual cunning fashion crossed herself demurely. Also hot and thirsty Sister Roza was exasperated. Eager to arrive on time for her business meeting she capitulated with a strong stare.
          “Not an inch. You hear me. Not an inch girl.”
Then she waddled off.
A skilful  modern bandito Garcia had no problem befriending Emmamaria. He loved little girls and also marionette shows. It was a breeze for him to lure, and abduct her.Life-experienced in important bandito matters - robberies, drug running, hostages-  he  also stole her favourite puppet.
          A delighted Emmamaria filled with tacos, oranges and soda pop was ensconced in the passenger seat of Garcia’s sleek but rusty black Cadillac. She dozed, sang or chatted happily for hours as they sped across the border.
          “I’m Emmamaria.  Emma for short. Who you?”
          “Me? Garcia Del Fiamenderamonez. Most wanted bandito poster man on planet,” he quipped. 
          “Long name,” said Emma.
          “Call me Bag man.”
          “Funny name too... well... where we go Bag man?”
          “Here,” he answered as they pulled into a city car park behind a flash tourist hotel. “My woman. She work here. Her name  Emma too.”
          “Yeah.... She cleans, changes beds, handles laundry in basement. She cross border to city years ago. I do truck driver work then. I pick up laundry bags at backdoor. We talk. She tell me ’bout you. She first to call me Bag man. I take you back to your mother.”

THE END –next Blog some poems and another story.Blessings to you all Hzl
Oh Big news...just published my 16th book Spin Into Drama 

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